Department of Surgery-Surgical Unit IV


Surgical Unit-IV is 50 bedded surgical ward located in DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad. The faculty includes In charge: Professor Dr Rehman Gulzar.
Senior Registrars: 1)Dr Kashif Liaqat 2)Dr Aamer Abbas 3)Dr Junaid Misbah4)Dr Khurram Saqib 5)Dr Asifa Ahmad 6)Dr Hasnain Ejaz, Seven Postgraduate residents, three Medical Officers andeighteen House Officers. This ward has regular teaching programs for postgraduate as well as under graduate students.
Surgical Unit-IV also manages surgical outdoor and surgical emergencies in DHQ Hospital as well.
This ward offers facility of all the routine general surgical operations both open and laparoscopic including advanced laparoscopic procedures and recently bariatric surgery is also started, becoming the 1st general surgical ward in any DHQ Hospital in Punjab to start bariatric surgery.
A fully functional Divisional tetanus unit is also attached with this ward in the same building.

Contact US

Postal Address: Surgical Unit IV, DHQ Hospital Faisalabad.
Phone: 041-9210080